Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beginning of Student Teaching

I'm starting this blog with the hopes of being able to have something tangible to look back after I have had my own classroom for a few years. I want to be able to remember my entry into the world of teaching and all of the shenanigans that I was still able to pass off to the "real" teacher. Because I recognize that one day, all of the drama of being twelve will be mine and mine alone to deal with. Ha, sometimes I wonder what the hell I was thinking when I picked education as my major...

At Ashland we do three levels of student teaching. Sophomore and junior blocks and then traditional student teaching. Last fall I completed my sophomore block at Cornerstone Elementary in Wooster, OH, with fifth graders. With 40 kids in the class, it was more than a handful, but they were hysterical. I think my favorite part of the whole thing was their ongoing belief that the baseball player that was sharing the classroom with me and myself had some kind of clandestine romance going on. I think someone asked us every day if we were dating and when we responded "no," we got looks of total disbelief.

Anyway, this coming spring I'll be starting my junior block at a middle school in the Ashland area with 7th or 8th graders. I'll be there two or three days a week and I'm hoping they don't convince me that garbage collection is a better career path for me...